Even though the app still has problems like sometimes not working on Google Chrome, or the occasional files not downloading glitch, the experience is a pretty stable and reliable one. We are about to check out yet another upcoming feature for the Teams app, one that has to do with file sharing and AI assistance.

The Teams AI will detect and suggest file sharing in meetings

Indeed, the Redmond developers group behind Microsoft Teams is currently working on a plethora of new features, which are to be rolled out in future updates. We’re even looking at a nifty integration between Teams and Outlook, which will make some of those joint tasks even simpler to complete or keep track of. Not to mention that the Redmond tech company is also putting artificial intelligence (AI) to use to develop another feature that will help users save a lot of time while sharing files in a Teams chat. The tech giant is working on AI-based file suggestions in chat for Teams users, so there’s something to look forward to in the near future. Keep in mind that Microsoft aims to make it easier for users to attach and send files, thus saving valuable time that could be used otherwise. The way it works is fairly simple and exactly the same as how suggested replies work in Teams chats, in case you used that feature as well. And, thanks to the implementation of AI, the Teams application will be able to detect when your conversations indicate sharing files and will surface them accordingly. Among the files shown to you, you will have the ability to choose the right one and quickly send it with just one simple click. Even though not yet confirmed, you should also have the option to ignore the suggestions if you think they are not helpful, exactly like how you can ignore suggested replies and type everything you want to say instead. According to the useful and all-knowing Microsoft 365 Roadmap, File suggestions for Teams chat will be available in February 2023, so don’t get excited just yet. However, you shouldn’t just take Microsoft’s word for it, as the company is notorious for promising something and then delaying or canceling it altogether. Many are now comparing Microsoft to the company they are trying to purchase, which is Activision Blizzard, also known for constantly pushing back release dates. The Redmond tech giant is also under European Union surveillance after the rival company Slack made some serious accusations. Before we conclude, remember you came to the right place to learn how to record Teams meetings, or maybe how to install & use two Microsoft Teams in Windows 11. What other useful features do you think Microsoft should add to Teams? Share your opinions with us in the comments section below.

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