Windows 10 includes a built-in OneDrive app that syncs your OD folders and files so you can open them from File Explorer. However, there are a few ways to unsync OneDrive if you don’t need to keep the cloud storage harmonized with Windows 10 at all times.

How to unsync OneDrive in Windows 10?

1. Uninstall the OneDrive App from Control Panel

If you really don’t need the OneDrive app syncing at all, and prefer to open documents via browser, you can uninstall the app in some Windows 10 versions. Since the Windows 10 Creators Update rolled out, you can uninstall the OneDrive app via the Programs and Features tab on the updated platform. You can now uninstall the OD app as shown above.

2. Uninstall OneDrive with the CMD

You can’t uninstall OneDrive as outlined above in earlier Windows 10 builds. Nevertheless, you can still uninstall the OneDrive app in Windows 10 versions that predate the Creators update. Instead, you can uninstall the cloud storage app with the Command Prompt.

3. How to unsync OneDrive with GPE

There are a few ways that you can unsync OneDrive without uninstalling the app. Windows 10 Pro and Enterprise include the Local Group Policy Editor with which you can disable OD syncing instead.

  1. Enter gpedit.msc in the Windows search box, and select the first result to open the document.

  2. Select Computer Configuration and Administrative Templates from the left pane.

  3. Press twice on the Windows Components and OneDrive folders. SPONSORED

  4. Then double-click on the Prevent the usage of OneDrive for file storage setting on the right of the Group Policy Editor window.

  5. Select the Enabled radio button.

  6. Then press the OK button.

  7. To switch the cloud storage app back on when required, select the Not Configured radio button for the Prevent the usage of OneDrive for file storage setting.

If you don’t have the Group Policy Editor on Windows, you can still unsync the OD app by selecting its Unlink account option as shown above.

Bonus: How to unsync OneDrive only for specific folders

You can also choose to unsync specific files and folders, which is much more flexible than unsyncing all your OneDrive storage in Windows. Then you can free up some hard drive space by unsyncing selected files and folders, but keep some of OneDrive synced with Windows 10. This is how you can selectively unsync OD files and folders. So, you can unsync OneDrive by uninstalling the app, selecting the Unlink account option, or pressing the Choose folders button. Unsyncing OneDrive files and folders will free up hard drive space for new software. Thus, it’s worth unsyncing documents and images that you seldom open.

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