However, Adobe decided to end support for Flash, and over the years the browser support for this technology was phased out. Few users reported that Flash settings are not saving in Chrome, and in today’s guide we’re going to take a closer look at this issue and see if there’s a way to fix it.

How do I permanently enable Flash in Chrome?

We wrote a guide on how to unblock Adobe Flash Player on Chrome and other browsers, but in the meantime, Adobe officially discontinued Flash. Shortly after that, almost all major browsers removed the support for Flash. As a result, it’s not possible to enable this component in Chrome anymore.

What can I do if Flash settings are not saving in Chrome?

1. Change your settings every time you start the browser

This is intended behavior and it appears because Flash is discontinued, so to preserve your security, Chrome resets Flash settings to the default every time you close your browser. Developers are determined to make using Flash almost impossible to protect their users, so it’s no surprise to see behavior such as this. If you’re encountering this issue, your only option is to go back and enable these settings every time you need to use Flash.

2. Try using a different browser

In case you’re having issues with Chrome, you might want to consider using Opera instead. Both browsers are based on Chromium, so they are quite similar. Opera has a couple of unique features, most notably a built-in ad blocker, tracking protection, and a free VPN. The software also offers built-in integration with various social networks and messaging services. Since both browsers use the same engine, Opera will work with all your Chrome extensions, so you might want to give it a try. ⇒ Get Opera

3. Change Chrome flags

If you can’t find this option, it’s most likely because you’re using a newer version of Chrome that has Flash and all its settings completely removed.

4. Modify the registry

What are Flash settings in Chrome?

Flash settings aren’t available in Chrome anymore, so there’s no way to access them. This feature was removed since Adobe Flash was discontinued. Chrome doesn’t support Flash anymore so there’s no need for the Flash settings section to be present. If Flash settings not saving in Chrome, that’s perfectly normal because the component has been discontinued, therefore it’s not available in modern browsers. For more information about Adobe Flash, its lifecycle, browser support and decommission, we suggest reading our browsers that support Flash guide. What are your thoughts on Adobe Flash? Let us know in the comments section below.

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