In this guide, we will walk you through some of the expert-recommended fixes to resolve the issue. But before that, let us discuss the reasons for the same.

What causes high CPU usage while playing Cyberpunk 2077? 

Some of the common reasons for the 100% CPU usage when running Cyberpunk 2077 are : 

Apps running in the background – If unnecessary applications are running in the background on your computer with your game, it could cause the PC to slow down, hence the issue.  Game overlays -If you enabled overlays on your digital distribution platform, it could be the reason. Try disabling the overlay from the app and check.  Outdated version of the app – Another reason could be the obsolete version of the Cyberpunk app. Check for updates and, if available, install it to resolve the issue.  Changes in settings – Cross-check the game settings to ensure you have not disabled any critical feature. 

What can I do to fix high CPU usage while playing Cyberpunk 2077 

Before trying the detailed troubleshooting steps, try these quick fixes:  SPONSORED

Close unnecessary background processes.  Restart your computer.  Check system requirements for the game.

1. Disable the Game Overlay option

2. Adjust in-game settings

2.1 Verify the integrity of the game files

2.2 Change settings

3. Tweak Power plan settings on your PC

4. Update device drivers 

4.1 Use the Device Manager

4.2 Use a third-party driver updater 

It is vital to keep your drivers on your computer up to date for smooth functioning. However, doing it manually requires some technical knowledge and is time-consuming. Therefore it is suggested to use a third-party app to get the work done. DriverFix is one such driver updater utility that can help keep your system drivers updated. Follow the below steps to update drivers using the tool: 

5. Turn Down Game Priority

Is Cyberpunk 2077 a CPU intensive game? 

Cyberpunk is indeed a CPU and GPU-intensive game; hence, it is advised to check the minimum system requirements before installing it. If your computer doesn’t have the listed conditions, it might cause many performance issues.  So, these are some recommended methods to fix the high CPU usage while playing Cyberpunk 2077. Try these methods individually, and let us know what worked for you in the comments section below.

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