Get started now We will explore in this article the exact steps you need to follow to convert a locked PDF to WORD, so make sure to keep on reading.

How can I convert a protected PDF to Word?

1. Use Adobe Acrobat DC

Adobe Acrobat is widely used thanks to the available features and tools designed to make your work easier. With this tool you can quickly edit, share, convert in XLS, PPT, Word all your PDF files while keeping all the formatting intact. You can edit the PDF file from your mobile device or from your PC, with the same ease. In order to convert secured PDF to Word, make sure to follow these steps:

2. Use an online tool

Another quick way to save a secured PDF as a Word document is to use an online converter. There are several tools that you can use, depending on the complexity of your PDF file. Since each tool offers different features, make sure to first check how much formatting does your PDF file include. If you have close to none, then almost any PDF converter tool will do the job just perfectly. But if your file contains different formatting styles, make sure to choose a tool that will keep them intact, otherwise, you will need to put in extra time and recreate the converting.

3. Use Google Docs

Converting a secured PDF file into a Word document can be done easily when following the exact steps we have indicated in this article. We hope that the solutions presented here helped you quickly convert your file. Please share with us in the comments section below which solution has worked best for you.

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